The Wellness Vending Machine offers free- or low-cost sexual health and wellness supplies for students. The initiative is sponsored by University Health and Counseling Services (UHCS) and is operated by The Office of Prevention and Education at Northeastern (OPEN).

Wellness Vending Machine on the Boston Campus

Supplies Available

Emergency Contraception$7
External CondomsFree
Internal CondomsFree
Personal LubricantFree
Oral DamsFree
Menstrual ProductsFree
COVID-19 TestsFree

Have feedback for the Wellness Vending Machine? Follow this link to provide anonymous feedback!
If you experience any issues with the vending machine, such as being charged for an item that should be at no cost, please contact We can coordinate a refund for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is it located?

On Northeastern’s Boston campus, the vending machine is located in the Marino Center Atrium on the first floor.

See University Recreation’s website for updated hours and information.

How does it work?

Students can use the machine to purchase wellness supplies just like any other vending machine. Walk up to the machine and enter the product number for whatever you want. For products that have a cost (ex. Emergency contraception), you can use cash, credit cards, and debit cards, to purchase.  

How often is it stocked? What do I do if something is out of stock?

The vending machine is stocked weekly. If certain supplies are out of stock, please see the following link to find out where to get free or low-cost wellness supplies.

Menstrual products, including both pads and tampons, are available for free in most Northeastern University restrooms on the Boston campus. There are dispensers in most bathrooms.

Medications, such as Advil, Tylenol, and Tums, can be purchased at most stores such as CVS or Walgreens.  

In addition, emergency contraception is available for purchase at CVS or Walgreens. Emergency contraception is also available at UHCS for $7. You can walk into UHCS with or without an appointment to purchase Emergency Contraception. Emergency contraception is also available off-campus; students can contact Planned Parenthood of Greater Boston for more information. 

I’m not sure how to use the supplies I received. Where can I find more information?

To view information about emergency contraception including how to connect with a medical provider, please see University Health and Counseling Services’ website on Emergency Contraception.  

For information on how to use sexual health supplies (external condoms, internal condoms, oral dams, and/or lubricant), please see OPEN’s website for more information. OPEN also has a Sexual Health 101 Module that covers information about sexual health supplies and other topics.

Wellness Vending Machine at Oakland

On the Oakland campus? Follow the link below to learn more about health and wellness services, including accessing the Wellness Vending Machine.